CEO Marko D. on boundless performance based marketing
International growth: doing it your own way

Last Updated
August 4, 2021
If the corona pandemic has accelerated one thing, it’s the shift to an online economy. As a result, Linehub CEO Marko Dobroschelski sees a strong internationalisation trend that is positive for the marketing company, as well as its customers. In this short article he explains his view on international growth.
Linehub is now active in offices in nine different countries: Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Belgium, France, Taiwan, Romania and the Netherlands. A colourful international group, but we’re still far from having run out of steam. Dobroschelski: “The goal is that every company in Western Europe, that wants to do something with online sales, has heard of Linehub.”
Following customers across borders
The starting point in this internationalisation process is the growth path of Linehub’s customers. Dobroschelski: “Our main focus is there where there is a need. Customers who are growing online also see an accelerated international roll-out. The long-term relationship we have with customers certainly contributes to the fact that we are asked to help them with scaling up.” It is not only the corona pandemic that has boosted the international growth of Linehub and its customers. “The online infrastructure is also ready for it. A Molly or Adyen are active in different countries. This allows our customers to serve different international markets and we go along with this geographical expansion.”
Knowledge of the local market
To help these growing entrepreneurs as best as possible, market specific knowledge is key: what is needed is which country? Dobroschelski: “Having local knowledge and expertise is a big plus in serving the customer. We strive for a thorough feeling with the environment, so that cultural differences remain as small as possible.”
For example, we look at the relationship a customer has with a region, rather than the bigger globalist picture. “Companies in Sweden are often also active in Norway and Denmark. The Nordic countries work together a lot and are very close to each other. When these companies expand, we capitalise on this,” says Dobroschelski.
Less dependent on major competition
The consequence of the growing market in online spending, is also the increasing share of large parties, such as Google and Facebook. Marketplaces, such as Amazon, are also increasingly used as marketing tools. Dobroschelski: “This goes hand in hand with a great dependency and on a technical and political level these large parties push small players out of the market. We want to offer advertisers an opportunity to not become too dependent on the big players. Google and Facebook are not our competitors, but our services are an additional value for advertisers. This way we lower that dependency on just one channel.”
The fact that smaller players are staying afloat is a positive outcome for all. “We can only work if we have several customers. So it is also in our interest that smaller parties continue to grow.”
Own path of growth development
When asked whether there is an expiry date to internationalisation, Dobroschelski replies: “We must avoid becoming megalomaniacal; stop thinking we have to be everywhere. Of course, we keep an eye on competitors, but we focus mainly on our own development. On the one hand, we have a good position, strong customer loyalty and plenty of growth opportunities; on the other hand, we stand for continuity and we do not always have to be the best and the fastest. We are experimental and focus on the customer relationship, but we would like to become even better at what we already do. If you’re too far out of your comfort zone and you don’t know what’s going on, you can’t provide a good service.”